Basics of CocosNode

What is CCNode?
  • CCNode is the base class for all renderable objects in Cocos2d
  • CCNode is the main element of Cocos2d
  • CCNode is the main class of Cocos2d
  • In Cocos2d anything that gets drawn or contains things that get drawn is a CCNode
  • Most objects in Cocos2d inherit from CCNode
For example, CCSpite is a subclass of CCNode. So, CCSprite has the all properties that the CCNode has.

In other words, A CCSprite is a CCNode with a PNG on it, a button (CCMenuItemSprite) is a CCNode with a PNG and clickable, a CCMenu is a CCNode with little clickable CCNode in it.

The most popular CCNodes are: CCScene, CCLayer, CCSprite, CCMenu.

The main features of a CCNode are:
  • They can contain other CCnode nodes (addChild, getChildByTag, removeChild, etc)
  • They can schedule periodic callback (schedule, unschedule, etc)
  • They can execute actions (runAction, stopAction, etc)
Some CCNode nodes provide extra functionality for them or their children.

Subclassing a CCNode usually means (one/all) of:
  • overriding init to initialize resources and schedule callbacks
  • create callbacks to handle the advancement of time
  • overriding draw to render the node

Features of CCNode:
  • position
  • scale (x, y)
  • rotation (in degrees)
  • Camera ( using spherical coordinates )
  • GridBase (to do mesh transformations)
  • anchor point
  • size
  • visible
  • z-order
  • openGL z position
  • A CCNode is a "void" object. It doesn't have a texture

CCNode *aNode = [CCNode node];
[self addChild:aNode];
aNode.position = CGPointMake(220,340);
aNode.rotation = 75;
aNode.scale = .7;

CCNode *anotherNode = [CCNode node];
[aNode addChild:anotherNode];